Submitted by furano on

Hi all,

 the packages of dmlite 1.12.1 and lcg-dm 1.12 have been promoted
to EPEL stable. The release notes are unchanged with respect to the previous announcement.
 Many thanks to Oliver for the bits of the EPEL push.

 I copy here the release notes of the previous announcement.



Release Notes - LCGDM Development - Version dmlite 1.12.1

** Sub-task
    * [LCGDM-2757] - Try to remove the file if the putdone fails - xrootd

** Bug
    * [LCGDM-2668] - DomeAdapter logs incorrectly
    * [LCGDM-2719] - Bump xrootd dependencies to >= 4.9
    * [LCGDM-2723] - The activitystatus field is missing from the response of dome_statpool
    * [LCGDM-2733] - Directory size not correctly updated with gfal-rename
    * [LCGDM-2734] - Allow file deletion on readonly filesystems
    * [LCGDM-2740] - Unable to disable bad filesystem with DOME
    * [LCGDM-2743] - Default values for davixpool vs. checksums in progress
    * [LCGDM-2750] - dmlite-shell should wait more than 15s for a checksum calculation to finish
    * [LCGDM-2751] - HEAD on renamed file returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    * [LCGDM-2753] - Race condition in DomeMetadataCache::pushXstatInfo causes instability
    * [LCGDM-2754] - Database connections not reused (connect&close for each query)

** Improvement
    * [LCGDM-2692] - Abort startup of DOME if dpm_db has not been updated
    * [LCGDM-2720] - Davixpool should recycle older instances
    * [LCGDM-2735] - Allow deleting from read-only filesystems
    * [LCGDM-2738] - Give a maximum lifetime to the DavixPool elements
    * [LCGDM-2745] - Set the checksum queue default parameters to production-ready values
    * [LCGDM-2746] - Do not cache 0-sized files
    * [LCGDM-2760] - Timeout "Running" queue elements that are not touched by their remote running task

