Submitted by furano on


today we have pushed to EPEL the dmlite packages of DPM 1.12.1. As usual,
It may take one or two days for it to be available in the various mirrors.

I wish to warmly thank all those who have contributed to it with their
opinions, advice and testing.

What follows are the release notes for this bugfix release


Release Notes - LCGDM Development - Version dmlite 1.12.1

** Sub-task
    * [LCGDM-2757] - Try to remove the file if the putdone fails - xrootd

** Bug
    * [LCGDM-2668] - DomeAdapter logs incorrectly
    * [LCGDM-2719] - Bump xrootd dependencies to >= 4.9
    * [LCGDM-2723] - The activitystatus field is missing from the response of dome_statpool
    * [LCGDM-2733] - Directory size not correctly updated with gfal-rename
    * [LCGDM-2734] - Allow file deletion on readonly filesystems
    * [LCGDM-2740] - Unable to disable bad filesystem with DOME
    * [LCGDM-2743] - Default values for davixpool vs. checksums in progress
    * [LCGDM-2750] - dmlite-shell should wait more than 15s for a checksum calculation to finish
    * [LCGDM-2751] - HEAD on renamed file returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    * [LCGDM-2753] - Race condition in DomeMetadataCache::pushXstatInfo causes instability
    * [LCGDM-2754] - Database connections not reused (connect&close for each query)

** Improvement
    * [LCGDM-2692] - Abort startup of DOME if dpm_db has not been updated
    * [LCGDM-2720] - Davixpool should recycle older instances
    * [LCGDM-2735] - Allow deleting from read-only filesystems
    * [LCGDM-2738] - Give a maximum lifetime to the DavixPool elements
    * [LCGDM-2745] - Set the checksum queue default parameters to production-ready values
    * [LCGDM-2746] - Do not cache 0-sized files
    * [LCGDM-2760] - Timeout "Running" queue elements that are not touched by their remote running task

