Space accounting on top level directories

Submitted by furano on

(please note that this information is obsolete with DPM 1.9)

Hi all,

 A new page is available, describing one of the new features of DPM 1.8.10 and its configuration steps.

This is part of the ongoing release of DPM 1.8.10, and will be available when the new packages reach the EPEL repositories.


Again on metadata performance - updated tuning hints

Submitted by furano on

These days we have moving our glorious testbeds to new hardware, that has apparently a supercharged CPU and a poor disk system.

Initially the metadata performance was unacceptable, thus we have come out with an updated set of mysql tuning hints, that gave a boost of around 20 times to the stat and ls operations, which are very important indicators. Now the performance is very good, and the testbeds will enter production very soon.

The parameters are:


Tagged RC of Dynafed 1.0.15

Submitted by furano on

The Dynamic Federations core has been tagged as 1.0.15 and set as candidate release.

The most relevant highlight is the ability to update listings that are already in the cache when it finds a new file that is not there.

Additional reliability in the case of badly misbehaving sites will come with the next release of Davix



How to add a /robots.txt to DPM, LFC or DYNAFED for excluding HTTP bots

Submitted by furano on

Configuring Apache so that it exposes a file names /robots.txt implies these two steps:

Add a line in the config file zlcgdm_dav.conf like the following:

# Robots.txt
Alias /robots.txt /usr/share/lcgdm-dav/robots.txt

Add a file named /usr/share/lcgdm-dav/robots.txt *readable by the user running the apache daemon with this content:


dmlite 0.7.2 in EPEL stable ... set log level to 1 if not using puppet

Submitted by furano on


the latest release of dmlite (0.7.2) just found its way to EPEL stable, and is available now.

If you are using YAIM, or rely on an older installation that was done with YAIM

(beware, it's deprecated and unmaintained now) you will have to add a line to the main configuration file /etc/dmlite.conf in order to set the log level to 1.

Not doing this will likely print too much information in the logs.

Just paste the following two lines into your /etc/dmlite.conf, AFTER the
