DPM 1.9.0 - EPEL-testing release of the core components

Submitted by furano on


we just pushed the latest versions of the core components of DPM to EPEL-testing. These
should be already available in the repositories, or will appear in the various
mirrors in the next one or two days. We encourage sysadmins to test this release and give
feedback before it's promoted to the EPEL stable repository.

This is an important release that keeps the compatibility with the past while adding
many features. What follows are the highlights and the release notes.

Fabrizio Furano, on behalf of the DPM team


DPM 1.8.11 reached EPEL production

Submitted by furano on

 the core components of DPM finished the EPEL testing phase and are available now in the regular stable distro.

As advertized in the previous announcement,

this is a bugfix release that will allow us to proceed more smoothly towards the next releases, which will contain
new features. Please refer to the previous announcement for the release notes.


Admin Tools 0.2.2 released to EPEL-testing

Submitted by furano on

Hi all,


 as an addendum to last week's  core components release, we pushed the Admin tools packages to EPEL-testing.




Release notes:

** Bug
    * [LCGDM-1852] - dpns-du is not working

** Task
    * [LCGDM-1276] - dpm-sql-pfn-to-dpns gives "No DPMINFO or DPMCONFIG file found: cannot guess password for database ;)"
    * [LCGDM-1851] - release dpm-contrib-admintools to EPEL7

